Here's my Segment With INsight From 21Alive and New York Living With Pix11 – Sharing 3 Steps on How to Create a Personal Money Manifestation Meditation!

Here's what women experienced from their wealth code activation after doing the meditation!

Every shift in energy, is a
shift in consciousness.
Whatever you desire is there for you. We just need to open our energy to receive it.
Before you do this mediation I want to you relax.
Feel into a new belief that you desire for yourself.
Allow yourself to dream as big and as wild as you can.
We shift our consciousness around wealth when we can move past beliefs that keep us believing we cannot access infinite wealth.
This mediation is from a paid program. It was so powerful I had to share it with the world.
I want you to commit to doing it everyday for at least a week. You will start to activate coding in you for wealth. 
What you will receive:
  • The benefits you will receive are moving through old beliefs on a subconscious level.
  • Activating dormant money codes.
  • Opening up to receiving more wealth.
  • ​Healing your money relationship.
  • ​Expect a shift.
Prompts and Tips for your Meditation:
 What was the biggest shift for me? What do I know now I wasn't aware of?
What was the reoccurring belief coming up for me? And why? What do I choose to believe? What is stopping me from accessing my infinite wealth?
Create a mantra that will help you keep the activation going.
"What do I truly desire?" Write this down everyday!
Drink lots of water and rest.
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