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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Your business is generating income but you haven't hit that BIG income goal you know your business could be making. And even though you have hit some milestones, you feel behind! It is taking way too long to get there and you want to speed this up already.

You are so ready for 6 figure cash months. Maybe to even hit that million in year or more. Yet it hasn't come yet. You're not sure why it is taking so long. Because you wanted it yesterday!

And if you keep creating income in your business only from a logical and linear way, it is going to take much longer and push those big income goals even further into the distant future.

...you might even be creating more income money leaks in your business from doing way too much only making money from the mechanical linear method you have used up to this point. 
...clients will be harder to come by as you will not be leveraging your expertise, time, offers and scale your BRAND EQUITY efficiently to accelerate your business income.

...without the right income generating money mindset you will keep struggling and working much harder than smarter to make those profits and scale.

If you don't prepare and protect your business now with a powerful scaling strategy, then...
it may be hard for you to survive and outlast the changing market and current money leaks you may be experiencing in your business.


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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds



How To Scale Your Business With 1 Change In Your Offer

The quickest way to get your time back and build a scalable business is to LEVERAGE your expertise, time and offers. You want to have control over your schedule not your schedule controlling you. Making 1 change in your offer can have you making more money and working less. The gurus don't tell you when you're making more income you will be working less. It takes less work to make a million dollars than it does to make 6 figures. This will help you scale your income quickly in your business, get your time back and make a bigger impact.


How To Break Through The Income Ceilings In Your Business 

Adopt my winning income generating strategy that will take your revenue from being at a plateau, inconsistent cash months, to breaking through your current income caps. You'll be able to pinpoint the systems in your business that works and eliminate what doesn't. You'll no longer be at an income cap, creating money leaks, or completely tapped out on your time and energy leading to feeling burnout by rinsing and repeating strategies that are not working for you right now. 


How Your Current Strategies Are Creating Income Leaks 

From your sales, to marketing, to operations, your offers, your schedule there are income leaks happening right now and you can't see them because sometimes strategic and logical process are blocking the income from increasing. These are not just traditional expenses. This goes beyond what the business gurus teach. I will show you how your business is subconsciously leaking income based solely on your current money beliefs. The way you hire, delegate, market, delivery of offer, lead generation. There is a control factor that is stifling the income growth of the business and keeping it stagnant. Open this up and hello highest cash months.


Scale Your BRAND EQUITY With Connection Marketing! It's the key to Attracting More Aligned Clients And Increasing Your Income

I will be pulling back the curtain on why many business owners are leaving money on the table not utilizing their brand equity to scale. I will show you how to market yourself in a way that connects and magnetizes your top level clients to you. High performers have an achilles heel that is getting in the way of their audience from fully connecting with them. I will show you how being authentically yourself will increase your 'know, like trust factor' in a way that isn't taught in traditional marketing.  There is a direct increase in your income when you start utilizing this in your business.  



Then it's time to START USING A PROVEN SYSTEM to operate your business in a way where you are making more and working less! One where you will eventually be able to step back and know that your business is automatically generating income without you needing to control every income generating detail. 

The Income Accelerator System™

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Want To Know The Insider Expert Secrets On How To Accelerate Your Income To Record Breaking Months?

More About

I started my entire life all over again after my divorce. My account was in the negative for many months. I spent years studying myself and becoming the master of my emotions. I accidently discovered how to unlock the power of money in my life and business.

I am a former attorney of 20 years owning my own firm. I started my online business as something was calling to me. It was time to change careers and do what my soul was speaking to me. Within a year of starting my online business I had scaled to a million dollars cash. I was making more in 1 month than an entire year as an attorney.

This was no coincidence and I knew I had broken a code of some sorts. Which turned my business into a money making machine.

I am usually on TV doing a segment on Wealth and I try to educate as many people on how they can really expand their business into becoming a massive overflow of cash.

To You Accessing Your Dream Reality

If you made it to the end, I just wanted to share this personal message here with you.

I know you're at a place right now where you might be feeling like you have to scale down on your dreams to make it easier to achieve. But this will only hold you back from creating that unrealistic, dream life that you know is available for you.

Going all-in on yourself takes courage, dedication and the ability to see it all through. You already have that in you!
Sometimes our journeys may just need a little extra boost!

I would not be here had I not gone all-in on myself. And as scary as that felt at the time, I wouldn't change it for anything.
I am now able to give my kids the life I never had. And I know deep down you want this for yourself, or your family too.

The women who come to work with me start seeing their lives change the minute they implement what they learn they can expand in on. 

Take these words in all seriousness...

All you have to do is believe it to be so.

I would LOVE to see you at this webinar because I know you'll walk away with so much to take action on right away.
I offering this for free because I want everyone to win at the impact they're trying to make.

I always say, "If she can, I can". All it takes is a little conviction to know that it's all happening for you!

Much love,

Shamina Taylor can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. 

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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